Making sense of APR

Making sense of APR

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In the ever-intriguing world of mortgages, the term “APR” – short for “Annual Percentage Rate” – frequently pops up. Despite its ubiquitous presence, many find it a bit mystifying. Today, let’s unravel this crucial concept and explain why it’s a critical figure to understand when it comes to mortgages.

What is APR?

In the simplest terms, the Annual Percentage Rate is a measure of the total cost of borrowing money to purchase a home, expressed as a yearly interest rate. It includes the interest rate on your loan, as well as any additional costs or fees associated with the loan.

Why is APR Important in Mortgages?

The importance of understanding APR in mortgages cannot be overstated. APR provides a comprehensive measure of the cost of your mortgage loan, helping you make an apples-to-apples comparison between different loan offers.

The Difference Between Interest Rate and APR

You might ask, “Isn’t APR just the interest rate?” Well, not exactly.

Interest Rate

The interest rate is the cost you’ll pay each year to borrow money, expressed as a percentage of the loan amount. It doesn’t include any of the additional costs that may be part of your loan.


On the other hand, APR includes not only the interest rate but also other charges or fees (such as mortgage insurance, most closing costs, discount points, and loan origination fees) you pay to get the loan. As a result, your APR is usually higher than your interest rate.

How to Calculate APR

Calculating APR can be complex since it involves taking into account all the costs of your loan. For this reason, lenders will typically calculate it for you. But it’s important to know that the higher the fees, the higher the APR, compared to the nominal interest rate.

How to Use APR to Compare Mortgage Offers

Since APR incorporates the interest rate, fees, and other costs into a single figure, it’s a useful tool to compare mortgage offers. Two mortgages may have the same interest rate, but different APRs. In this case, the loan with the lower APR is generally the better deal, as it costs less overall.

A Word of Caution About APR

While APR is a useful tool, it should not be your only consideration. Other factors, like your monthly payments, the loan term, whether the interest rate is fixed or adjustable, and how long you plan to stay in the home, can also impact the cost of your mortgage.

The Final Verdict

Understanding APR is a powerful weapon in your mortgage arsenal. By providing a more comprehensive measure of the cost of a mortgage, APR allows you to make more informed decisions, and ultimately, find the mortgage that’s best for you.

We hope this article has illuminated the world of APRs for you and armed you with the information you need to navigate the mortgage landscape. Remember, when it comes to your mortgage, knowledge is power. Stay informed, ask questions, and make the decision that’s right for your financial future.